Thursday, November 1, 2018

Are the Rohingya going back home? Is this a good thing?

Time Magazine: Myanmar and Bangladesh Say Repatriation of Rohingya Refugees Will Begin Soon

Rohingya location

A year ago about one million Rohingya fled out of Myanmar and into Bangladesh because the Myanmar army was enacting genocide on them.  Thousands of Rohingya were killed as the army attacked and burned their villages.  While they have found safety in Bangladesh, they have been living in horrible conditions.  Bangladesh does not want them and they are trying to send them back to their homes in Myanmar.  The UN is worried that the Rohingya will be attacked again if they return, although Myanmar says they will be safe.  As someone who has followed this conflict closely, this sounds like a horrible idea.  The only way it might possibly work is if Myanmar agrees to give the UN full access to the Rahkine State so they can try to keep the Rohingya safe.

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